Epilepsy Nurse Competence – What does it take to support people living with epilepsy?
Phil Tittensor discusses the role of an epilepsy nurse, its key competencies and possible ways that technological development may shape the tasks.
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Risikoer og effekter av diabetes hos pasienter med epilepsi
Det trengs større innsats for å forebygge diabetes og konsekvensene av den
Publisert i kategorier:Epilepsi -
Angst og depresjon ved nylig diagnostisert epilepsi
Angstsymptomer er vanlig ved diagnose, mens depresjonssymptomer er mindre hyppige
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Machine learning models for brain imaging in epilepsy
Practical problems, challenges, and future research directions
Publisert i kategorier:Epilepsi -
Temporal seizure propagation patterns in epilepsy
A probabilistic model as a potential tool to aid clinicians in identifying the seizure focus
Publisert i kategorier:Epilepsi -
Epilepsy surgery: Late seizure recurrence after initial complete seizure freedom
Intervju med Prof. Dr. Steinhoff Bernhard fra Kork Epilepsy Center, Kehl-Kork, Tyskland.
Perspectives on seizure control and treatment goals
The STEP survey is providing a number of insights into differing perspectives on seizure control and seizure freedom