Recognizing the significance of epilepsy nurses in the treatment of individuals suffering from the condition, Angelini Pharma aims to provide support and empowerment to the epilepsy nurse role through education, inspiration and by creating a space for professional networking.
With that objective in mind, we established the Epilepsy Nurse Academy. First lecture was given by Phil Tittensor (UK) in January 2024, and you can watch the recording below. Nordic Epilepsy Nurse webinars and educations are organized on a national level and recordings and summaries added to this page. If you are interested in future educational opportunities for nurses, please contact us!
Sweden: Maria Gutke-Nigam, Account Manager Sweden,
Norway: Atle Hundstad, Account Manager Norway,
Finland: Anne Kaarniemi, Account Manager Finland,
Denmark: Marie Tarpgaard, Account Manager Denmark,
Norway: NO23975P June 2024